Monday, September 30, 2019

Safety on Public Transportation

One of the major features of any developed society is mass mobility. In order for man to fulfill his obligation put food on his table, man has to move around. Thus mobility is an essential aspect of human life. Man has to move from one destination to another. Elementary Science has described this as a natural feature of human beings. Over the years, the growth of technology as made for variables when it comes to human transportation. One of such means of transportation is public transportation. Although transportation is a necessity to most people in America, it will be alarming to note that Americans spend more trying to meet up with their daily needs. Compared to other countries in the world, an average American spends more to move around. As part of the government’s efforts to ensure a better standard of living for the citizen, the public transport system is an initiative of the government tailored towards reduction of the price incurred on transportation by Americans. Therefore, Americans now have a choice which provides a greater freedom. However, as commendable as this initiative is, Public Transportation has its good and bad sides. There are some dangers that one is open to when one takes a public transport. To begin with, the security and privacy one enjoys when one is moving around in one’s private car is better than when we are moving around in public transport. Statistics have shown that people moving around in public transportation are susceptible to insecurity than those transporting privately. On the issue of crime in public transportation, the police department and other organizations have given tips on how to avoid crime in public transportation. For all I care, the next person to you might be a serial killer or the lousy old woman might actually be planning to steal your wallet. At this point, one will be unfair not to admit that public transportation has had a lot of positive impact on the pockets of Americans. With the insistent rise in the prices of gasoline in America, public transportation has being a good alternative for the people of America. At least it has helped save more money that should have been used in the purchase of gasoline. It is also effective and reliable. The next time you are about to meet an appointment and you want to go by public transportation, make sure you have it at the back of your mind that although some dollars will be saved, there is the risk of falling a victim. Therefore, be vigilant and alert!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Effective Communication in the Business Meetings

Effective Communication in Business Meetings The great management guru Peter Drucker once said, â€Å"Business communication is all about understanding what has not been said. † Especially today business communication is one of important factors to be successful in the changeling business environment because during opened working environment one can meet lots of others for discussing but how to make an effective communication in business meetings? There are some of factors to impact deeply on result of an effective communication in the business meetings as clear goal or objective, careful planning, use materials, communication skills and conflict management. People may ignore to be involved in meetings, if they know their time will not be useful or non-productivity. Meetings should be completely carried out periodically or prepare urgently (if required) during work running of any organization. There are ways to spend the time more effectively. First factor considers here is goal or objective of business meeting. The goal or objective is built basing on actual situation of works what need to solve or make a decision, even just making a relationship. A business meeting without goal or objective considers as one walks around without home port, especially today’s challenging business environment is more focused in result. Imaginably there is no specifically stated desired outcome of the meeting so that is no point in availability the meeting. The goal or objective impacts people on gathering includes, but not limited to: communicating information, problem solving, team building, and making decision. Scheduling or preparation, communication, conflict management and follow-up are some of key factors to make sure that meetings are productive and efficient and that is being more essential in the today’s complicated working environment. The key for achieving the goal is an advance planning by everyone involved in the meeting. Detailed planning is a guideline to build an effective business meeting. Planning for meeting will support attendees to have a visualizing in advance how the meeting will be organized, where meeting attendees will sit, who will present in the meeting and how long the presentations will last. The meeting time and location should be confirmed one day before meeting to support attendees having a proper arrangement. Besides the meeting location should be able to accommodate all guests, convenient location, technological capabilities, and a comfortable condition. When the ocation has been determined, next important step is to start researching the information needed for the presentation, creating an agenda. The agenda should start with a quick objective or goal reminder, followed by the time frame allotted to each presentation. Research and investigation are perhaps the most important piece of planning an effective business meeting, which will help discover, summarize and organize the topic of the meeting. By making a convincing argument on the topic, the part icipants will be able to provide facts, instances, and definitions to support the subject. There are five main sources that can provide information for presentations. First of all is personal experience. Personal experience reflects the flow of thoughts and meanings persons bring to their immediate situations. The second resource is internet, especially in the 21st centuries which is considering as era of information technology. The goal is to improve the ability of people from all walks of life and interests to access, search, and use the information distributed in Internet resources. According to Usunier, & Roulin (2010, Apr), â€Å"there is no geographic limitation to Internet access and suppliers in any country can create Web sites containing information and dialogue content† (p. 189-227). Using a search engine is becoming more common in finding research. Instead of using search engines, online libraries are also available to support for finding research. Third resource is written and visual resources in different channels as magazines, journals, newspapers, books, broadcasts, and documentaries which can be consulted for information, arguments, and evidence for presentation in the meeting. The fourth resource is research methodology. Appropriate methodology is taking short time to find out the needed information. Pullin (2010, Oct) states â€Å"the research methodology was qualitative in nature and, to ensure scientific rigor, a multi-method approach was taken in collecting and analyzing the data† (p. 460). The fifth source is other people. In order to accurately use other people as a source is also a shortest way to help presenter receiving needed information for meeting, but presenter should clarify the provided information as doing an informational interview with the person. Research can make the presenter feel more confident in communicating the presentation, and as a result, the presentation will be more powerful. â€Å"The vital elements of the communication process are the source, encoding, the message, the medium, decoding, the receiver, and feedback. An understanding of those components can help you design effective conversation communication programs† (Jacobson, 2009, p. 12). Those components will be handled easily by effective communication skills, which are essential in conducting a successful business meeting. Communication is an art which is not mastered by all so an effective communicator should be taken clearly when sending or receiving the messages. â€Å"Effective communication is one where you are able to send and receive messages in a clear, coherent manner overcoming all the barriers† (Bardia, 2010, p. 29). People listen to what is being said and engage in dialogue. Communication skills include: influencing, negotiation, making an impact, dealing with conflict and dealing difficult people. Business research has identified communication apprehension as a problem for improving communication skills. Aly (2005) states â€Å"communication apprehension as an individual level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons† (p. 98). When a speaker gives a speech in front of a large group of people, seemingly anxiety and fidgeting produce interfering, off-task thoughts and its result is apparent of word jumping or increased rhythm of heart that inhibit skill development. Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but this is hard to do. Once there is determination as how to overcome the fear? overcoming the fear can be done by making sure the topic is known, analyzing the audience competently, knowing the speech content well, recognizing value and uniqueness, and focusing on communicating with the audience instead of on the fear. Some other strategies that can ensure the meeting is effective are clarifying, confirming and summarizing. Making sure that the purpose of the meeting is clarified will reduce any chances of the audience misunderstanding the content. By asking the audience questions, or answering their questions, we can confirm that everyone understands. This is true when summarizing is used. By summarizing all the information at the end of the presentation, the presenter is, once again, making sure the information was understood. An effective communication in meetings is not only solely responsible for speaker but also share the burden those who attend the meeting. An active listening communication strategy will help ensure a successful meeting. Urquhart (2004) states â€Å"these four steps to become a more active listener: Hearing, feedback and interpretation, evaluation and response† (p. 3). â€Å"Hearing involves paying attention to what the speaker is saying and being sure it is heard† (Urquhart, 2004). The message will be encoded and understood by showing out the feedback and interpretation. On the way, the feedback will support speaker find out and correct any misunderstanding. The listener may be able to ask the question until the listener is sure that message is encoded and understood accurately. Finally, listener will decide what to do with the information given by the speaker. During a meeting, there is a good chance that two or more members of the group will disagree. That is also to let us to see the matter as others aspects. The disagreement may result in conflict. An effective communicator should know how to deal with conflict. There are five steps to help organizations deal with conflict in a constructive way as follows: 1. Recognizing that the conflict exists. 2. Finding common ground by putting the conflict in the context of the larger goal of the team and the organization. 3. Understanding all the perspectives of the issue, this means that everyone is not required to agree with the opposing views. 4. Attacking the issue and not the members of the team. 5. Developing an action plan that describes how each member of the team will solve the problem or issue. By following above mentioned steps during a meeting, the conflicts will be able to deal with in a opened-mind, cooperative manner. To require an understanding the goal of a meeting or presentation the speaker should be able to understand of what the final outcome and what is trying to reach. By the way to make a successful meeting, presenter should have a worst result of what meeting will be as misunderstanding or responded disagreement. In order to establish that the goals of the meeting have been met, the audience is not only taking an active part but also the presenter must make the audience interested in the topic along with meeting significance of the topic. There are two important questions to support presenter clarifying the goal or objective. First, what do I want my audience to know or do as a result of my speech? Second, how will I know if I am successful? Being clear those questions is the audience’s feedback. Feedback is recognized by immediate behavior change from the audience and asking question to audience also on the way to get feedback. The follow up actions to the presentation or meeting consist of any actions that are to be determined at a later time. Minute and any decisions made at the meeting must be noted and distributed to all parties involved. Delegations of assignments are to be noted and follow up must be carried out. Besides, additional meetings might be necessary if the final outcome is not clear or decisions are not probably made. In conclusion, an effective meeting is determined to conduct by several strategies. Meetings are productive and efficient when we incorporate all of above-mentioned ideal. Careful planning and clear goal or objectives are the key factor as well as choosing the suitable time and right location for the meeting. Being prepared presentation for the meeting is also very important, there is irresponsible if anyone going to a meeting and not being prepared, it may send the wrong message to the others in the meeting. The meeting is unsuccessful if any key factor is missing. Visualizing how the meeting will unfold if the meeting is held in the noise location. Besides, an active listening communication strategy as giving feedback and asking question will help ensure a successful meeting. Getting the audience involved in the meeting will create a more productive meeting. Also, by asking the audience to evaluate and respond to the information provided will allow them to participate in the discussion and make suggestions on ways to find a solution. On the way, focusing goals and working on solutions during the meeting can influence others being interested in the meeting and being more involved. We all know that the anxiety will appear by various points of view when speaking in front of a large group or even a small group and it will reduce when we make confidence by ourselves experiences, communication skills and also well prepared. Communication skills and experience are only cumulative by taking more serious. If you appear nervous or unsure; the audience may lose interest in the topic. The speaker should always be prepared, analyze the audience, and focus on the subject matter. Other strategies that can ensure for an effective meeting are clarifying the topic, confirming that the audience understands the information given, and summarize all the information at the end of the meeting. We have also learned that conflict is part of business meeting to help attendees have a several looking for one matter and by the way supporting to make decisions. Keep in mind, not everyone will agree with what you are saying, therefore; we should try to have an open mind and try to find common ground. Do not attack the other members of the team, because they may not agree with you, simply attack the issue at hand. Conflict isn’t actually good or bad, the way is how we deal with it. Developing an action plan as a team may allow the other members to feel that the problem can be worked out in a respectful, professional manner. Conducting effective business meetings will definitely help to improve productivity at the workplace. Almost meeting will be stressful, but by the way to make everyone involved interestingly that the meetings are well planned, organized, and allow the attendees to discuss possible solutions to solve the problems what they arise. Productive meetings are not only making a unity between groups but also teaching us essential communication skills, cumulate costly experience and how to manage conflict. Finally, during these meetings we practice problem solving, idea sharing and incorporate creativity that will eventually lead to a successful business environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data Analysis - Essay Example The author presents the debate on NAFTA such that an observer or reader is capable of understanding the origin of the agreement. The author offers appropriate evidence of his discussions by providing the committee meetings dates and the results of the meetings concerning the matter of trade agreement. The author mentions the persons involved in the meetings, and quoting their words where necessary to enhance conveyance of data to the reader in an appropriate manner. Utilization of this technique by the author forms a basis of a good argument and data appropriateness3. The author supports his argument on the issue of Mexican economic expansion by drawing literature from the comments of a senator. He does this by quoting the words of the senator in order to draw attention to the reader and makes his points relevant and factual. The author uses tables as references for information that he conveys. Use of tables in analyses forms a fundamental part of an analysis because the tables draw the relevance of information presented. The reader of the article can seek to understand the information presented by viewing the tables and the data contained in them. The part on the economic model deals with the author’s explanation of congressional voting and it result on the US policy4. The author presents information and acknowledges other authors in which he finds information to make his argument succinct. The use variables in the analyses intend to identify various parameters used in indicating patterns for voting. The empirical model presented in the article intends to analyze the votes cast various individuals on NAFTA. The author utilizes best methods to provide required measures and analysis of the process. The measures in use include those of GAINERS plus LOOSERS represented by equations which are not evident in

Friday, September 27, 2019

STATEGIC BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

STATEGIC BUSINESS - Essay Example nges and the ways and means by which these could be remedied or fixed, so that uninterrupted and hassle-free use of internet could be ensured to the end-users and clients. The Transport Layer Protocol (TLS) could be defined as a protocol used in a communication network like the Internet. The Transport Layer Protocol provides data security for sent data/information. Data security is made possible by encrypting the data from the client and decrypting it at the receiver. It also ensures that the data is sent to the right person. One of the main advantages of TLS is that it can be extended by laying new algorithms with respect to the client-server algorithms. Different versions of TLS have been developed for computer applications including internet browsing, mailing and IP telephony. The new technology of TLS rushed into the IT scene following the introduction of Secure sockets layer (SSL) by Netscape .However, the introduction of TSL posed a great disadvantage as TSL and SSL failed to function together in proper co-ordination. This became a major hassle for those who were working with new and old networking protocols. But, it is surprising that today, mo st of the browsers operate using TSL. As TLS protocol offers powerful security to the data that is being sent, it acts as a kind of assurance to the person to whom you are communicating with. However, this is possible only when both ends are certified with the TLS certificate. In a typical scenario, this is not possible for all the users. X.509 is the most commonly used certificate for TLS communication. Some of the main protocols that TLS supports are HTTP, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. TLS is an innovative technology used for modern communication purposes. A key advantage of TLS is that it offers extreme data reliability and security. The data is sent and received by the client server using certain procedures that underlie the protocol. This process starts with the client inquiring about the TLS certificate of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Impact of Health Inequalities on Health Education and Health Essay

The Impact of Health Inequalities on Health Education and Health Promotion - Essay Example dren in developing countries (Guerrant, Kirchhoff, Shields, Nations, Leslie, de Sousa, Araujo, Correia, Sauer, McClelland, Trowbridge and Hughes, 1983). Due to these disparities in the economies of developed and underdeveloped nations, there are a lot of discrepancies in the health standards of the people of these countries as well. Health inequalities refer to gaps in the quality of health and health care across sexual orientation, racial, socioeconomic and ethnic groups. A marked difference can be seen between the health conditions of developed and underdeveloped countries. The better the economy of a country, the better is the state of health. Health disparities exist between differing socioeconomic groups. The lower socioeconomic group have poorer health and higher rates of chronic illness, obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Differences also lie in access to health care between the two classes. Usually people in deprived areas receive less care than needed. Whereas the affluent areas have easy access to almost all kinds of medication and health care. Within a country, we can also see difference in the health standards between different racial groups. For example; in America, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans and African Americans have higher mortality, higher rate of chronic disease and poorer overall health conditions. There is a need to change life styles of people to help them live a better and healthy life. This could be achieved through health promotions and educating them about health issues. Health promotion enables people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental intervention (WHO, 2011). Health promotion aims at influencing, informing,... This paper approves that health care costs are continuously arising, resulting the government, employers and consumers to struggle to keep up with the increased costs. Major policy of the health care units is to cut off the costs. Rising federal deficit with an overall slowdown in the economic growth is also putting strain on the systems used to finance the health care. Things are made more complicated by the health disparities within the nation. The health care units have to divide their funds for improving the conditions in the rural areas and conducting health awareness programmes for them, and for research purposes. This essay shows that government plays an important role in providing awareness regarding how to stay healthy and solving health related issues. Government have the power of financing, organizing, overseeing, and delivering health care. Government is also responsible for getting care to people who wouldn't otherwise have it; the underprivileged, the disabled, and the aged, many of whom could not afford it on their own. The government's role in health and health care does not end here but it goes into the realm of encouraging new discoveries related to health affairs There are some Government Organizations like U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps which are working to promote, protect, and advance the health and safety of the United States. Members of PHS often serve on the frontlines in fighting diseases and poor health conditions. They are trained and equipped to respond to emergencies such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks and public health crisis.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Social Media Team with a strategic mandate for customer relationship Essay

Social Media Team with a strategic mandate for customer relationship management - Essay Example Media thus helps a business organization to gather consumer base. Media also has the influencing capacity to make a product good or bad. People in the society generally have a strong faith in the advertisements and the displays of various offerings on a media source. In the present scenario, with the advent of newer technologies like internet, the term social media has been expanded to few other aspects also. These aspects include the use of e-commerce related tools like customer relationship management, forums, social networks, and social news. Social media related applications consist of Google, YouTube, and Face book. Customer relationship management has been a major addition to the business related marketing segment (Safko & Et. Al., 2009). Social media, as a medium of communication, has a huge amount of option and also a wide spectrum. Social media in the modern era has gained popularity with the advent of internet. People in different parts of the world have been able to share ideas, know about their culture and society by using the internet. Internet has brought the people of the world much closer. Internet has provided business organizations a different option of promoting and popularizing their products. Social media have expanded in its horizon with the innovation of social networking. As per the study of Nielsen in 2009, social networking and also blogs written by different people have been the 4th most well-liked online activity in the United States (Bonde, 2009). Social media along with social networking have changed the method of communication and connection among people. These technologies have caught the imagination of people in all the age groups throughout the world. It has enabled business organizations to reach out to a wider audience with their offerings. Internet and email are the two sources mostly used to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Introduction to Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Introduction to Counseling - Essay Example This is what I call building. Yes, building or making my plans realized. Indeed, the choices we make affect our future. My decision today will shape my future. Before I have to make my choice of a course, and eventually a career that will accompany me for the rest of my earth's life, I have to get back to where I came from, of what led me to this institution to study. I can't think of any possible career. There is one story of my life however that is forever fresh in my youthful mind - a story of my childhood. Some humble beginnings nurtured my mind to an environment that values life above anything. I would prefer seeing people counseling others, giving them a touch of a loving hand, and young ordinary folks sacrificing personal happiness and pursuits for the service of people in the countryside, ordinary human beings who really come from the grassroots. Though I may not be them to the letter, I'll try to follow a path where my life will be focused of the goals set forth in my childhood - that of helping and counseling people. Most courses focus on improving. Improving ways to look for money. Improving or finding ways for fortune and fame. Others focus on serving not just with pay but with an enormous amount of pay. Simply put, they are not gratifying, albeit satisfying or comparable to helping people unselfishly by counseling them. What can be more rewarding than touching people and letting them feel that here's someone who cares, who prefers to listen rather than dictate. With my planned career of helping people I need to be more unselfish, to have a lot of sacrifices and concern. I have to be broadminded, and need to understand other areas of human relationship like the emotional, spiritual and social environment. On the other hand, I may further need a firm determination, lots of sacrifice, and some thought that by helping others I am making a profound difference on the life of another human being. This is a challenging and rewarding endeavor - to feel the needs of a patient, to listen and guide someone through a more secure and promising path through life. 3. My choice of my career is an extension of my personality What we want to be reflects what we always think of life, from the beginning when we build dreams and castles in the air, until we start a process of fulfilling those dreams. But these dreams and plans are usually influence by the environment, or how we were brought up, until we acquire a personality that we embrace all throughout. I have always planned of a helping career. My goal is to compassionately share my knowledge and resources to people in need of these resources. I have exhibited this since I was too young, and now it is high time that I start to frame and reflect what is really inside of me. 4. How an internship can help me develop as a professional Internship can help a lot because it is through this that I will be able to feel the real job of counseling, a true hands-on experience. It is like an on-the-job training that young graduates pass through before they go on with real work in the office or any workplace. I will be encouraged and challenged to work professionally, see for myself what really are the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Addiction and Native Americans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Addiction and Native Americans - Research Paper Example Reports by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2001 to 2005 indicate that 11.7% of Native American and Alaska Natives are alcohol-related; in the general population, only about 3.3% is credited to alcohol deaths (Associated Press, 2008). Deaths among Native Americans were mostly due to traffic accidents, alcoholic liver disease, homicide, suicide, injuries, and falls. Alcohol-abuse is also a risk factor in some of the common illnesses found among Native Americans and Alaska Natives like tuberculosis, pneumonia, and colon cancer (Associated Press, 2008). A great percentage (66%) of alcohol-abusers among the native population was below 50 years of age. Drug use and abuse is also increasing in the Native American population with methamphetamine, marijuana, and cocaine use rapidly increasing in the past several years. The Public Broadcasting Service (as cited by Tarzana Treatment Centers, 2009) revealed that Native Americans are five times more likely (as compared to whites) to die from alcohol-related causes with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis being among the top six leading causes of death among Native Americans. These diseases do not even belong to the top 10 causes of deaths among the whites (Tarzana Treatment Centers, 2009). This study released by the Associated Press points out the importance of culturally appropriate interventions for alcoholism and alcohol-related health problems among the Native American population. These statistical figures paint a grim picture on alcohol and drug use and abuse and the related problems that come with such abuse. They also present challenges for the health care professionals and government officials in addressing this problem. Alcohol and drug abuse among the Native Americans has to be understood and studied in their historical context. Their history has been riddled with violence, poverty, discrimination, and abuse from the dominant White population in America. As a result,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lenove Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Lenove - Research Paper Example & ESTIMATES - LENOVO GROUP LTD (992) 28 Quarterly Earnings for Lenovo Group Limited 29 ANNUAL EARNINGS & ESTIMATES - LENOVO GROUP LTD (992) 29 Annual Earnings for Lenovo Group Limited's 29 QUARTERLY REVENUES - LENOVO GROUP LTD (992) 29 Quarterly Revenues Lenovo Group Limited's 30 ANNUAL REVENUES - LENOVO GROUP LTD (992) 30 Annual Revenues for Lenovo Group Limited 30 CONCLUSION 31 LENOVO GROUP LIMITED PART A- CURRENT SITUATION ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION Lenovo Group Limited is a renowned name in the manufacturing of computer hardware products. This report will focus on the complete analysis of the company including the complete competitive edge which it has in the market. This report will also debate on the current strategic direction on which the company has aligned itself to. Apart from this the major issues which the company is facing and the tactics which have been designed by the management to overcome these issues will be discussed. The company and the stakeholder’s view of th e company will be seen speculated to comment or prescribe better ways to improve the performance of the company. In another part of this report the personal assessment of the company from the viewpoint of an individual who wishes to apply in the company for a job will be discussed. This discussion will include the complete analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats which the company may face and the complete analysis of the financial position of the company will be analyzed. The purpose would be to speculate the performance of the company and the future growth which the company plans to attain in the future. COMPANY OVERVIEW Lenovo Group Limited is a renowned name in the computer industry. It is a Chinese company with operations spread across the globe. The headquarters of the company is located in two countries. One is located in Beijing, China and another is at Morrisville, North Carolina. The registered office of the company is in Hong Kong, China. Lenov o is known across the globe for selling Tablet PC’s Servers Electronic storage devices Software’s Smart Phones etc. Lenovo was recognized as the second largest PC vendor for the year 2012. Its operations are spread across sixty companies of the globe with sales in more than 160 countries. The company was founded in 1984 in the capital city of China, Beijing and was incorporated in 1988 in Hong Kong. Lenovo is a listed company and is also considered as a â€Å"Red Chip† company. AN ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRY To analyze the computer industry in terms of the functions and the operations of the business the Porters Five Forces Analysis must be done. The components of the Porters

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Crevecoueur’s - What is an American Essay Example for Free

Crevecoueur’s What is an American Essay Crevecoueur, in his essay ‘What is an American’ attempts to carve out a unique identity for the ‘American’, an identity that would unify the dwellers of this sprawling country under one roof while at the same time it establishes its differences from Europe from where it derives most of its numbers. Crevecoueur describes the country as the great melting pot of the world, a place where a truly diverse set of people come together and forgetting religious, social, economic, national as well as linguistic differences are molten into one, that is, an American. The process of becoming one forgetting all differences involves the common pursuit of what has since then come to be known as ‘the American Dream’. America, the land of equality, liberty and opportunity welcomes every new arrival on its shores with open arms. The new arrival, in his/her turn, grateful for all that this new country has to offer, internalizes the American Dream, and in the midst of his/her pursuit of an honest, respectable, free and happy life becomes an American leaving his/her previous identity behind. The concept that is America has come a very long way from the time of Crevecoueur. Now, the ‘American’ identity in the guise of a ‘green card’ is perhaps the most sought after throughout the world. Being an ‘American’ is no longer just an opportunity to be grabbed freely, it is privileged bestowed upon the best and brightest from all over the world. However, some things never change. America still remains the great melting pot of the world. Even more so in the present, for unlike in Crevecouer’s times, it is not only the Europeans or different sects of Christianity that arrive at the shores of this ‘land of dreams’ but people from every possible nation and belonging to every possible religion co-habit in peace sharing in on the modern day versions of the ‘American Dream’.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chinese Education System: An Analysis

Chinese Education System: An Analysis China is a country which owns a long history. Therefore, Chinese education system is developing continuously. The education heritage is particularly rich. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the development of Chinese education system. This essay firstly will give a literature review. Then the essay will explain the phase of Chinese education system as well as the education system in different social phases in details so that it can be understood that the change of Chinese education system clearly. After that, this essay will discuss how Chinese education system contributes to the Chinese economic growth. At last it concludes that knowing the development of Chinese education system is very significant to the current development of education. Literature Review Education plays a critical role in the development of a country. China has a long history, and then the education heritage is particularly rich. Therefore, China has been accumulated a tremendous wealth of information and experience of education system. Before 1990, China was in the feudal society. It did not have public schools and students went to primary schools. In the feudal society, females were not permitted to accept the education. Since 1900, China has entered the end of Qing Dynasty, which means that China has entered Modern History phase. (Alitto, 1999) With the change of the nature of Chinese society, education system also changed accordingly. From then till 21st century, the change of Chinese education system can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the education system in the modern history, that is, the end of Qing Dynasty; the second period is the education system in the Republic of China from 1915 to 1949; the third is the education system in the Peoples Republic of China from 1949 to now. (Burton, 1996) In each phase, the education system has developed much and made progress at that time, which offered great experience that is rather helpful to current education. Currently, Chinese education system is consisted of four parts, including basic education, secondary vocational and technical education, higher education and adult education. (Rui, 2003) Basic education refers to the pre-school education, general primary education and secondary education General primary education lasts for six years. Secondary education is divided into junior education and senior education. Chinese government attaches great importance to basic education. Since 1986, most areas of the country are universalized in general primary education. Major cities and some economically developed regions are accepted secondary education. Secondary vocational and technical education includes general secondary schools, technical schools, vocational secondary education, as well as various forms of short-term vocational and technical training. Since 1980s, Chinese secondary vocational and technical education had rapid development. In 1997, all types of secondary vocational and technical schools reached 33,464 and the number of students reached 1.8 million. (Geoff, 2005) There were more than 2,100 training centers in the end of 1990s. General higher education refers to college, undergraduate, graduate and other higher educational levels of education. In the higher education, college usually has two or three years for education. Undergraduate usually lasts 4 years and medicine undergraduate usually lasts 5 years. (Sianesi, 2003) In addition, postgraduate education system lasts 2 or 3 years and doctoral education system is 3 years. Through 50 years, the country has made great progress in the development of higher education. Since 1991, China began to implement the degree system. From then, the degrees are divided into bachelor, master and doctorate. After a series of reforms and restructuring, higher education increased energy and had the development in the scales. The structure has become more reasonable and education quality and school effectiveness notably improved. Adult education includes the teaching education, literacy education and other forms of education which aims at the adults. Adult Education has developed rapidly. In 1999, there are 891 adult colleges in China. After entering 21st century, more adult education colleges have opened. More people choose to accept the adult education because they realize the importance of education. Chinese government thinks that education socialization is the main way to build the economic growth. (Krueger, 2001) Only if the comprehensive education is improved, the economic level will grow. Nowadays it has entered the information and technology times, education is especially to the development of a country. Only if the country has rich education, the country can be strong. Therefore, to know the change of education system will be helpful to find out which kinds of education systems should be applied to the development of China. The Phase of Chinese Education System Education System in Different Historical Phase Since 1900, China has entered the end of Qing Dynasty, which means that China has entered Modern History phase. With the change of the nature of Chinese society, education system also changed accordingly. From then till 21st century, the change of Chinese education system can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the education system in the modern history, that is, the end of Qing Dynasty; the second period is the education system in the Republic of China from 1915 to 1949; the third is the education system in the Peoples Republic of China from 1949 to now. In each phase, the education system has developed much and made progress at that time, which offered great experience that is rather helpful to current education. If learning the change of Chinese education system, it will be very necessary to know the education system in different historical phase. The change of Chinese education system can be discussed from three phases. Education System in the Modern History In 1901, Liu Kunyi and Zhang Zhidong put forward to change the school system and imitate the Japanese education system. In 1905, the government of Qing Dynasty repealed KeJu education system, which is a traditional education system and has last many years. From then on, new education system developed fast all over the areas of China. In China, women traditionally are not approved to access to school. Therefore, before the modern history, there are no formal educational institutions for women. However, when China was at the end of Qing Dynasty, it began to build women school so that women could accept education from then on, which is a large change comparing to traditional education system. In modern history, more and more people chose to go to foreign countries for education. It is estimated that the increasing number of students in the United States had reached more than 600 in 1910. Education System in the Republic of China After the republican revolution, the new education system of the late Qing Dynasty has been basically complete. The government of Republic of China basically inherited the education system in the Qing Dynasty. Beijing government of Republic of China kept the original charge of education, changing the Culture Division to the Ministry of Education to retain the same subordinate bodies. In the education sector, it began to imitate the education in the United States in the early years, not Japan. In 1918, the Church School in China increased to 6000 and owned 300,000 students. Between 1920s and 1930s, Civilian education and rural education were developed by a group of people. During the period of Republic of China, the government has implemented to establish a large number of specialized schools and colleges. According to related references, there are totally 32 stated-owned universities all over the countries. At that time, private schools began to rise, which has never existed in the p ast. Education System in the Peoples Republic of China In 1949, China has an important historical change, that is, Peoples Republic of China was established. After that, China became a socialist country, so the education system was changed to develop towards Soviet Union. The government of Peoples Republic of China decided to split some completed universities. As Peoples Republic of China was at the beginning stage of establishment, it required a large number of industrial and technical personnel. Then the government created a large number of Chinese technology institutes. At the same time, college entrance examination has also formally established in 1955. In 1950, China has provided nine-year compulsory education for a fifth of the worlds population.(Geoff, 2005) Nine-year compulsory education operates in 90 percent of Chinas populated areas, and illiteracy in the young and mid-aged population has fallen from over 80 percent down to five percent.(Agelasto, 2001) Between 1966 and 1976, the outbreak of Cultural Revolution made the develo pment of the education system in China have been geared particularly to the advancement of economic modernization. At the same time, all schools were closed the lessons and university entrance exams were canceled. Until 1977, the Culture Revolution has finished and college entrance was recovered. Among the notable official efforts to improve the system were a 1984 decision to formulate major laws on education in the next several years and a 1985 plan to reform the education system. (Rui, 2003) Investment in education has increased in recent years; the proportion of the overall budget allocated to education has been increased by one percentage point every year since 1998. (Chan, 2001) Nowadays, there are preschools, kindergartens, schools for the deaf and blind, key schools, primary schools, secondary schools and various institutions of higher learning. In current times, the education stage in China can be divided into four stages: the first stage is Primary School and the age is fro m 6 to 12; the second stage is Junior middle school and the age is from 12 to 15; the third stage is senior high school and the age is from 15 to 18; the fourth stage is university or colleges and the age is from 18 to 22. Of them, primary school and junior middle school can share compulsory education. The Development of Chinese Education System Promotes Economic Growth In 1950s, Chinese economic development level was obviously lower than any other developed countries. With the reform and opening up policy, Chinese government began to attach more importance on the education. As a result, the government tried best to let every child accept the education. In 1960, Chinese annual GNP per person was less tan USD 191.61 dollars. (Wang, 2003) However, through the endeavor in several years, the annual GNP per person in 1995 has reached USD572.12 dollars. In 1960, Chinese high education only took up 1.75 percent in the whole country. Accompanying with reform and opening up policy, Chinese government enlarged the scales of universities. Between 1990 and 1998, the total quantities of students who studied in the school increased from previous 2.0627 millions to 3.4088 millions. Its annual growth rate has reached 8.2 percent. (Sicular, 2002) The development of education needs large investments of capitals. However, education also consumes much labor. At present, the workers who engage in the education are over 10 millions. Every year, a lot of scientific results create large economic efficiency directly. And increase the social wealth. Therefore, education can impact on the growth of GDP directly. In addition, the industry which supports and ensures the educational service can enlarge with the development of education. Through this, it can obtain large investments and outputs of the materials. (Law, 1996) Therefore, the development can influence on the GDP indirectly and promote the growth of GDP. Between 1952 and 1978, the educations contribution to the increase of Chinese national economy is RMB 96.2 billions. (Xiao, 2006) This number took up 41 percent of total growth of national economy. From 1978 to 1997, the educations contribution to the increase of Chinese national economy is RMB705.3 billions, which took up 47.8 percent of total national economy. It can be seen that the growth of a national economy will increase the educational investments. Meanwhile, educational development can promote the growth of national economy. Enlarging education, especially high education, not only could satisfy social development and peoples demand, but also offer more job positions of educational service. In a certain degree, enlarging high education may create new employments for society and also take the development of industry which supports and ensures the education, such as architecture industry, financial industry, publishing industry and so on. It is investigated that in 2005, peoples bank deposit owned 14000 billions. Of all, education deposit took up 44 percent. (Krueger, 2001) At present, in Chinese cities, the fastest consumption is education, which has increased by 20 percent every year. Development of higher education, increased personal income in the market economy, People are not only familiar that education has a great impact on the quality of life, but also deeply appreciate that education has directly impacted on economic efficiency in the future. According to the above statistics, it can be found that Chinese education industry is so-called public schools which are made of most national governments, local government, so that the country resulted in insufficient investment in education. As a result, education resources should not be a reasonable configuration and the schools efficiency is not high. (Kwong, 2005) In order to meet the needs of higher education, it is essential to not only to increase the investment of government, but also to introduce a wide range of social groups, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, individuals or other social groups to become the subject of education. (Fong, 2004) To develop higher education, the main diversity of our country realize the education level of economic development with the developed countries there is a large gap between supply and demand of funds for education has become a constraint in the development of education. The main diversification of education can finance m any non-governmental funds, reducing the countrys financial burden. (Dow, 2005) In a large extent, it could insist the school autonomy and academic freedom, promoting the healthy development of science and culture. (Cleverley, 2004) Meanwhile, the main diversification of education can guarantee a successful transition from the stage of a small number of higher educational to popularity stage. It can transfer large number of personnel to enterprises, especially for small and medium enterprises In fact, developed countries own a high degree of private schools. According to the findings, China has entered the high educational popularity phase. However, China is a large population base and has a feature of regional imbalances in the development of education. (Chen, 2006) The contribution of higher education to the GDP Chinese eastern, central and western regions were respectively 1.47%, 1.17%, 0.68%. Of all, Shanghais contribution took up the highest rate2.75 percent. But Qinghais contribution took up the minimum only 0.17%. (Bassanini, 2001) To achieve the sustainable economic development in China, it is necessary to boost economic development in the eastern part to drive the economy in the center and western China because higher education must be a balanced development of the region. Therefore, Chinese educational development still needs a long road and the country should develop a wide range of forms of higher education. At the same time, it is very significant to improve the quality of education rather than just the number of students. I n this situation, China can deliver more talents to the society, and finally will improve the national economic growth. In the past 20 yearsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’China has experienced the reform and opening-up policy, thus Chinese education the implemented the bounds of history. In the new international and domestic environment, China must face the important responsibility how to maintain the society to attach great importance to education reform and investment in education system. (Croizier, 2000) It is the fundamental guarantee for China economic sustainable development to ensure that the implementation of compulsory education in rural areas. Through effective measures, Chinese national education system could play a leading role and become an important cornerstone for economic development. Conclusion It can be seen that from 1900 to now, the education system in China has changed too much. Therefore, to know the change of education system will be helpful to find out which kinds of education systems should be applied to the development of China. Of course, there are still some disadvantages of current education system. The government is improving the education system and making better on this point.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fitzgeralds Use of Language in The Great Gatsby Essays -- essays rese

In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses tone, diction, syntax and imagery to voice Nick's perception of the world around him. In this passage his use of language is used repetitively to convey Jordan Baker, Daisy and Tom Buchanan's lives. On the outside it may look like they all are living a perfect and ideal life, however Fitzgerald's illuminating use of language highlights how far from perfect their lives truly are. When he first walks in Nick judges Tom and Daisy's lives based on the appearance of the house, perfect and romanticized, yet he soon learns that this first impression is an overstatement. Nick's use of diction such as 'fragilely bound' (12) and 'French windows' (12) connote that their lives may look perfect on the outside but in reality they're brittle on the inside, since the words fragile and French suggest that their lives are breakable. His choice of diction also suggests an impersonal feel to the house, as if the people inside it are living a bland and dull life. As Nick walks farther in he compares the 'frosted wedding cake of the ceiling' to the 'wine- colored rug' implying both Purity and corruption. He views the cake-ceiling as pure since wedding cakes denote the meaning of innocence and purity but compares the innocence with wine which suggests corruption and impurity. Again, this comparison shows that Tom and Daisy's lives look pure as cake, however in reality their life i s as corrupted as wine. Upon meeting Daisy and Jordan, Nick perceives them as if they are ?buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon.? (12) Suggesting that something is weighing them both down but they both want to be free from their oppressions of their societies-they want to be carefree. Nick?s choice of diction like ?boom,... ...h he goes from idealism to reality. By the end of the evening Nick discovers the true personalities of the characters. This paragraph shows a whole new meaning of the color white, in this passage white implies impurity and ?absence of all desire.? (17) Before, however, it implied elegance, innocence and joy. Nick senses that to the Buchanan?s the evening had no great importance, he believes that it would be ?casually put away? (17) and be forgotten. Nick also perceives the woman to be tools of entertainment for the men. In conclusion, Fitzgerald?s use of language connotes the reality of Jordan Baker, Daisy and Tom Buchanan? lives. His use of diction, imagery and syntax suggests how their lives have no excitement and desire. Nick views them as white- dull and bland. Therefore, by using diction, imagery and syntax, Nick shows how imperfect their lives truly are.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Role of US Military Action in President Bushs War Essay -- September

Role of US Military Action in President Bush's War      Ã‚  Ã‚   An observant 12 year old told the New York Times Magazine not long ago that, "War is not like one attack; it's a big deal." On September 11, 2001, America was the target of an attack that left over five thousand people dead and many more wounded. President Bush has since declared a war on terrorism, but unlike conventional wars, this one has no discrete enemy and must be fought on a number of different "fronts." Fighting a war on terrorism cannot be fought in the traditional sense, by the very definition of terrorism. Various fronts are necessary in America's fight against terrorism, taking the form of economic, political, and military actions. Worldwide cooperation against terrorism has proven to be unreliable, and it will be shown here, that America's insistence on military action, in light of faltering international cooperation, makes the use of force the most important front in President Bush's war on terrorism.    (2) President George W. Bush has said that the "war" against global terrorism is a matter of "good and evil." Evil is presumably to be characterized by "those who conduct terrorist acts against the United States, those who sponsor them, those who harbor them, and those who challenge freedom wherever it may exist." Terrorism however, is not war. War is a confrontation on clear lines between identified parties, where there is sustained and concerted military action by military personnel who use the material, weaponry and military tactics of war. According to President Bush's executive order, number 13224, the term terrorism is defined as:    (3) An activity that involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, property, or infrastru... ...k Times Magazines." New York Times 23 Sept. 2001: 77. 2. US Embassy Website. 3. Yahoo News. 4. Israeli Government Site. 5. Terrorism. Executive Order 13224 Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or support Terrorism 23. Sept. 2001: 2. 6. Terrorism Website. 7. White House Website. 8. Lexis Nexis. "Zambia; Abdullah Justifies India's Support of US Action against Afghanistan." Africa News Service, Inc. October 25, 2001. 9. Yahoo News (2).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Techology Review

Technology Review Create a list of five educational games website: 1. Pbskids. org 2. Starfall. com 3. Ixl. com 4. FunBrain. com 5. abcmouse. com www. Ixl. com- IXL make math practices fun and motivate students through interactive games and practice questions. Widely recognized as the Web's most comprehensive math site, IXL offers a dynamic and enjoyable environment for children to practice math. Students who use IXL are succeeding like never before. With that said, this website allow teachers and parents to create accounts for their students, track their progress, and view a rich assortment of reports showing them just how their students are improving. It also enables students to correct their mistakes and master math concepts easily. With little training, it is very easy to use and manipulate. For a teacher and thirty students to have unlimited access to this educational Web-based technology for the whole year, the school or teacher must pay $199. This technology provides an excellent technical support. It is readily available at any point and time of day; twenty-four seven of the day. Many teachers have testify that this web-based technology help students to be stimulated, engaged, enthusiastic about math and reduces frustration out of math because it gives students the opportunity to practice at his or her own pace and keep them focused. www. FunBrain. com- Teachers can use or customize over 40,000 ready-made quizzes for all ages and grade levels, track student and class progress daily with instant analysis, and assign FunBrain games that build skills and correlate to national testing standards. Teachers can confidently encourage students to use Funbrain in the classroom during their free time, assured that kids will enjoy an educational, safe online learning experience. Funbrain's games help students build on what they have learned in class and acquire new skills in reading, math, and problem solving. Funbrain to delivers an easy, fun and safe experience for even the youngest children. It introduces preschoolers to the Internet and teaches them how to manipulate the mouse and keyboard. Funbrain is free of cost to students but teachers ought to pay $39. 95 membership fee yearly to have full access. This technology is available to teachers twenty four seven but I think students have access to it only at school. This personalized to help students of all ages take control of their learning and make it part of their everyday lives. www. Starfall. com- The Starfall reading program is designed to be fun, exciting, and to instill confidence in young children as they learn to read. This web-based technology provides clear and effective tools to help teachers implement proven teaching methods. The Starfall Website is easy for students to navigate independently, but it is not intended as a surrogate for the teacher. Starfall employs the computer to develop feelings of wonderment and play, not rote assessment. The activities, songs and books complement your classroom by creating an atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm that infuses all aspects of learning. This site is available to teachers and students twenty four seven and it’s free of charge. Technology Review1 Technology Review Joyce A. Sama EDU225: Instructional Technology January 18, 2012 Professor Tisha Faulkner – Grant Technology Review2 Starfall. com is a web based resource technology that can easily be integrated into most k-2 classrooms to enhance students’ language and literacy skills which can increase student learning. Starfall includes alphabet knowledge, cvc readers, emergent readers and seasonal interactive activities. The format is engaging and student-user friendly. Here are two ays Starfall could be integrated into the classroom setting. The teacher could use the projected on the Interactive white board during a whole group review or at the student’s computer centers when reviewing literacy skills. To use Starfall technology within the classroom, the teacher would need an internet connection and a computer or two. This is a free resource, all teacher may need is a projector, lap top and interactive white board for whole group activiti es and classroom computers or computer lab for the students to use independently. A teacher must also book mark Starfall by adding it on the computers toolbar. The bookmark has the words Starfall and an image of a star making it super easy to teach students what bookmark to click on to access Starfall. Starfall is making teaching more effective through the combination of educational games, online stories, and songs which is meeting the needs of those who are lacking in many areas with a fun and interesting activities. Technology Review3 There are three ways a teacher could integrate IXL into the classroom. One way is to [pic]take the work out of homework. This is what the teacher will have to do. For homework assignments, she could have the class work on IXL skills from their home. She must pick out skills that correspond to your lesson for the day, and then have the students reinforce their understanding of those skills on IXL. The next day, use IXL’s reporting suite to make sure that all the students completed their assignments, and to see how well they did! Another strategy she could use is to pair up IXL with the electronic whiteboard. IXL technology is compatible with all electronic whiteboards, so project the site onto your classroom e-board to involve the entire class. The teacher could have the students answer questions in turn, or even make a competition out of it. With this integration the students will be excited to show you the teacher what they’ve learned on IXL. The last way IXL could be integrated into the classroom is by making the most of the class lab time. Since IXL is accessible from anywhere, it’s the perfect way to make sure the students are learning valuable skills in the computer lab. Give the kids some IXL topics to work on, and be ready to marvel at how much fun they have earning medals and awards for mastering skills. Plus, the lab is one place you’ll be happy to have real-time progress updates as you are using IXL’s reporting suite to make sure everyone stays on task. Technology Review4 Here are few ways FunBrain. com could be integrated into classroom. One ways is the teacher setting up a learning center with the Smart Boards. Because Smart Boards are touchable, it gives student the opportunity to touch them with special markers and the screen respond. This versatile tool allows a wide range of teaching and learning option in the classroom. Funbrain. com could be projected on smart board so that the children can play math or language art games from the website. The teacher could use the FunBrain web-based technology to quiz students individually on a classroom desktop computer as a formative or summative assessment. Teachers could also use the FunBrain flashcard game as a review tool for the entire classroom. FunBrain. om also have an online activity called â€Å"Pain by Idioms† that provides examples of idioms which asks students to determine the real meaning of the phrases. Teachers could use this tool as a formative assessment to determine which students have mastered this skill. Another activity I found online that a teacher could integrate into her classroom is the activity called â€Å"Figurative Language Skits. The game is started by a student picking a card from deck of figurative language cards that has been design ed by the teacher, and must act out the word on the card until someone guesses the answer. For example, a student could act out running as fast as lightening or ducking cats and dogs as it rains. This activity appeals to spatial, verbal, interpersonal and kinesthetic learners, targeting different students who learn information in varying ways. Technology Review5 Reference www. Starfall. com/Aboutus Company Information. www. IXL. com http://www. ixl. com/membership/school/integration Facts about Us. www. FunBrain. com How to Integrate IXL into the Classroom. www. edutechlife. com Integrating FunBrain. www. eHow. com

Monday, September 16, 2019

Death penalty Essay

Today I want to inform you about a very, very serious topic. This topic deals with live and death. I want to give you my personal opinion as well as some basic facts against the death penalty in the USA that is still used as a normal punishment for murderers in many states – for example Ohio. I think the death penalty is a very cruel, violent and in human way to punish a person. For me it seems more as a revenge than doing justice.  It is not morally or religious excusable to take away someone’s life – no matter what he or she did. Every one of you, who is Christian or maybe belongs to another religion is actually supposed to be AGAINST the death penalty – just like me – as it is a clear violation against the commandments in the bible. The 6. Rule says: Do not Murder. Also, I really cannot understand, how the government can still enforce the death penalty, while it should actually have the responsibility to protect the society. By trying to judge what the right action is and thereby deciding about live or death of a human being, the government plays god. NOONE is able to be so sure and know what was and is right or wrong – and there is always -always – a chance that the person who is going to die is actually innocent. By using death as punishment the government also impinges upon its own human rights: Article 3 of the human rights, established by the United Nations and signed by the USA says: Every human being has the right of live, of freedom, and of personal safety. In my opinion the state should make better provisions against daily murders, rather than doing revenge afterwards. Furthermore, so far, no studies could ever prove that the death penalty is scaring the people enough not to commit crimes. In fact, there are even many states WITH death penalty that have less murders than states where it still exists. – if you want to commit a crime – f. ex. Terrorists Neither has any study ever proved that persons who are guilty of murder will kill again. So, the death penalty is pointless and make no sense. The committer has no chance to rethink, probably regret his action, and start a better life in the future. Don’t you think like me? I can really not understand how there can be so much violence in this world, when it is sometimes so easy to prevent it. Help make this world more fair. Be against the death penalty

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Business Driven Information Systems

1. Do you agree or disagree with Friedman’s assessment that the world is flat? Be sure to justify your answer. I don’t fully agree with Friedman’s vision of the â€Å"flat World†. Though I think we are more connected and informed than ever. According to me I feel Friedman’s views and research is mostly concerning the developed countries focusing on business and targeting the cooperate world. Today technology, telecommunications has definitely helped people around the world to be closer. But Friedman’s does not mention the less fortunate countries where the globalization is still a far dream. I feel Friedman’s analysis is a good fit for the rich and developed countries, where World has changed to a â€Å"global village†. 2. What are the potential impacts of a flat world for a student performing a job search? Today’s educated youth has all the potential and access to the world of technology at their fingertips. They can easily change to the growing job demands and are ready for job changes as needed. They sure got to have good education as the competition is high in today’s economy. I don’t think it’s difficult to find a job; it depends on how open you are to change in the new world of job opportunities and choose the best option. . What can students do to prepare themselves for competing in a flat world? Students can equip themselves for this competitive World by acquiring good education. Be updated in the field of your study and keep yourself open to news and updates. The coffee shop business is mainly framed in 2 mainstreams. Fi rst group is the major players like Starbucks, Seattle's Best Coffee, Dietrich, Brewsters, New World, Gloria Gears, which can be denoted as Specialty Brands. Second group contains One-Store coffee shops like The Broadway Cafe. These are generally local, small businesses. The coffee shop industry possesses a very high intensified competition on all players: both Specialty Brand and One-Store Coffee Shops. The main reasons that contribute to the high competition are †¢ The number of shops is huge (hoovers. com) †¢ Competitors are selling same or similar products, including specialty coffees as well as high quality foods. †¢ The fixed cost portion constitutes a high portion of the cost structure. Companies should sell more products to cover these costs, which increases competition.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Unleashing India’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Potential

Unleashing India’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Potential India has been one of the best performers in the world economy in recent years. Indian economy has been one of the stars of global economics growing 9. 6% in 2006 and 9. 2% in 2007. Growth had been supported by market reforms, capital inflows of FDI, rising foreign exchange reserves, both an IT and real estate boom, and a flourishing capital market. Like rest of the world, however, India is also facing testing economic times (economic recessesion) with inflation running at 11%, the highest level seen in a decade . The Indian stock market has fallen more than 40% in six months from its January 2008 high. $6 billion of foreign funds have flowed out of the country in that period, reacting both to slowdown in economic growth and perceptions that the market was over-valued. It’s high time we recognize the growing significance and visible impact of Entrepreneurship and innovation on wealth-creation and employment-generation in India. INNOVATON: Innovation is a process to achieve measurable value enhancement in any commercial activity, through introduction of new or improved goods, services, operational and organizational processes. It is a significant factor in fostering competitiveness, improvement in market share and quality. It reduces costs . Innovation is a key driver of economic growth. It is both creation, commercialization of new knowledge and diffusion and absorption of existing knowledge in new locations. Growth, accompanied by innovations, has been associated with rising living standards and a reduced number of poor people. India is increasingly becoming a top global innovator for high-tech products and services. Still, the country is under performing compared to its innovation potential which has direct implications for long-term industrial competitiveness and economic growth. About 90 % of Indian workforce is employed in the informal sector. This sector is often characterized by underemployment, low-productivity and low-skill activities. Although India has the benefit of a dynamic young population , with more than half of the country’s population under 25 years old, only 17 percent of people in their id-20s and older have a secondary education. To uphold rapid growth and help alleviate poverty, India needs to aggressively exploit its innovation potential, relying on innovation-led, rapid and inclusive growth to achieve economic & social transformation . According to one of the findings the output of economy could increase more than five folds if each enterprise could absorb knowledge existing in India and achieve the level of productivity of top enterprises in their sector. By applying knowledge in new ways to production processes, better and new products can be produced with the same or fewer inputs to meet the needs of all sections of Indian society. The very popular â€Å"Dabbawala† system is an innovative business process which allows 4,500–5,000 semiliterate Dabbawalas to deliver almost 200,000 lunches to workers every day in Mumbai. The Dabbawalas reportedly make one mistake per 6 million deliveries. So remarkable is this delivery network that international business schools have studied the work flows of the Dabbawala system to understand the key to its stellar performance rating. To unleash its innovation potential, India needs to develop following strategies: > > Increasing level of competition to improve the investment climate, supported by stronger skills, better information infrastructure and more public and private finance. Recommended actions to raise competition include removing regulations which are not essential and applying essential ones more transparently in product, land, labor, capital, and infrastructure services markets—for example, easing limits on small industries, restrictions on foreign direct investment (FDI) etc. Limited skills and training are a major bottleneck. Only 16 percent of Indian manufacturing firms offer in-service training, compared with 92 percent in China . The Indian firms that provide in-service training are 23–28 percent more productive than those that do not. This bottleneck could be overcome (i) by providing public matching funds for firms to invest in training and (ii) increasing the fiscal and managerial autonomy of universities and colleges, and increasing private participation in higher education. Better information flows are needed: high-speed national research and education networks accelerate the pace of new discoveries and the expansion of knowledge. Information-related actions could include expediting the allocation of radio and wireless broadband spectrums, increasing targeted subsidies for rolling out rural mobile and broadband, and agreeing on an organizational structure to deploy and manage a national research and education network. gt;> India can benefi t from supporting efforts to create and commercialize knowledge, help in diffusing existing global and local knowledge and by increasing the capacity of smaller enterprises to engross it. Private enterprises need to increase R&D spending. Between 1998 and 2003, multinational corporations spent $1. 3 billion on R&D in India—showing that its valuable assets could be exploited more effectively. Measures to spur private R&D could include consolidating and expanding early-stage technology development programs as well as developing a policy and action plan to use public procurement to promote innovation. New domestic knowledge needs to be converted to commercial use. Of the top50 applicants for patents in India between 1995 and 2005, 44 were foreign firms. Only six were Indian. Actions to promote commercialization and strengthen links among industry, universities and public laboratories could include providing support to technology transfer offices, creating a patent management corporation, developing technology parks and incubators and improving India’s regime for intellectual property rights. India should also consider enhancing support for higher-risk technology R&D and commercialization by strengthening its New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative and by opening the program to international collaboration and giving grants to both research institutions and private enterprises, with sharing of any resulting royalties. The Diaspora needs to be tapped more effectively. About 20 million people i. e. 2 percent India’s population earn the equivalent of two-third of India’s GDP. Steps to tap more efficiently tap India’s overseas talent could include supporting a larger Diaspora network, building on existing groups that aggregate this population’s (NRIs’) talent and capital for use in India. >> India would benefit from fostering more inclusive innovation—by promoting more formal R&D efforts for poor people and more creative proletariat efforts by them, by improving the ability of informal enterprises to exploit existing knowledge. Inclusive innovation can play a critical role in lowering the costs of goods and services and in creating income-earning opportunities for poor people. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has developed technology applications for rural India, university and formal private initiatives e. g. e-Choupal. To leverage traditional knowledge into revenue, a policy-oriented intellectual property rights think tank could propose how to implement a cheaper intellectual property regime. Finally, successful technology upgrading programs could be extended to help informal and rural enterprises make better use of existing knowledge. ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship represents a mindset. It is the skill of finding creative, innovative and profitable solutions to problems and to be paradigm pliant. An entrepreneur is someone who assumes the financial risk of the initiation, operation and management of a business. They aren't generally high-risk takers when they can't affect the outcome of the situation. They tend to set realistic and achievable goals, and when they do take risks, they're usually calculated ones based on facts and experience, rather than instincts. Entrepreneurs are participants not observers, players not fans. And to be an entrepreneur is to be an optimist, to believe that with the right amount of time and resources, you can do anything. Why is the US more prosperous than India? Is it because we Indians are less smart than Americans? No, Indians are universally known for their intelligence. Is it because they have greater resources? No, India is as much if not more rich in natural resources. Then, why is the US more prosperous than India? The US is more prosperous simply because they have more entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have a big role to play in driving India’s growth. With a slower economy, it is vital that government; academic world and regulatory bodies create a favourable environment for entrepreneurs to flourish. Entrepreneurship is a critical element of a growth economy and India is poised to unlock a Silicon Valley like entrepreneurial boom through the next 10 years. If India needs to eradicate poverty, we have to grow. To grow, we have to employ the unemployed. NASSCOM and CII have estimated that if India wants to be a developed country by 2020, it needs to create 10 million jobs. The million-dollar question is how these jobs are going to be created. Neither the Army nor the police force can soak up such a large number, nor can the Railways or the government. They can only be engrossed by the private sector. The industrial set-up is expanding, but not at the rate that can employ such large numbers. Is there any solution to this grave problem? Fortunately, YES, the answer is entrepreneurship. As per TiE (The IndUS Entrepreneurs- a non-profit organization, promoting entrepreneurship) each entrepreneur creates 30 jobs. An entrepreneur creates jobs, setting stage for a flourishing economy. Over 30% of Microsoft employees are Indians. The NASA relies on Indian brains for its various missions. IIT graduates are considered the worlds brightest. Why do these people flock to the US, simply because the US has more opportunities? What can we do to stop this self-ruining brain drain? The answer lies in promoting entrepreneurship. The beginnings are already in place, steps have been taken in the right direction. There is an overall shortage of start-up entrepreneurs in India compared to the rest of the world. One of the most significant deficiencies an Indian entrepreneur may face revolves around capital. Although there is ample willingness to invest capital in a well-established enterprise, there is little willingness to fund start-ups. The quality and quantity of venture capital in India is low. The benefits of entrepreneurship to the society and the economy as a whole are enormous. Entrepreneurship helps in avoidance of monopolies and cartels and help in checking large corporations and MNCs. Entrepreneurs realize the tremendous demand for goods abroad and help to market the surplus. This will make the Indian market export competitive and at the same time, the MADE IN INIDIA brand more acceptable. The surplus footstock which would have been otherwise rotting in the government storehouse, can be exported, thus earning foreign exchange. The government gets rid of the excess stock while the exporter earns revenue, leading to a win-win situation. An important factor influencing FDI, from developed nations to developing nations is the concentration of entrepreneurship. FDI is directly proportional to entrepreneurship. The highest contributor of FDI is the US. The US readily welcomes Indian exports and also lists Indian companies on American exchanges. No wonder NASDAQ rocks on the beats of Infosys Chairman, NR Narayan Murthy. So, the message is clear; we need more entrepreneurs. It is high time, the government realizes that only and only ntrepreneurship can help it grow at the high rate and rethinks its policies. To unleash its entrepreneurship potential, India needs to develop the following strategies Nurture early stage entrepreneurial ventures based on technology and innovation. Create physical infrastructure and support systems necessary for business incubation activities. Facilitate networking with professional resources that include mentors, experts, consultants and advisors for the incubated companies. Identify technologies/ innovations which have potential for commercial ventures. Promote and foster the spirit of entrepreneurship. Carry out activities that facilitate knowledge creation, innovation and entrepreneurship activities.

Labor Practices Paper Essay

Many companies are using sweat shops to manufacture their products at a much cheaper cost. However, there is a much deeper cost of using sweat shops then what can be placed in monetary value. I think it is time people begin to consider what sweat shops are doing to the people in this world and how dangerous they can be. Sweat shops may save companies money, but you do not want your company exposed on the news because your sweat shop in Bangladesh caught fire and killed 1,000 employees because fire safety regulations were not met. Sweat shops are used to describe a subcontracting system where the middle man earns profits from the margin between what they were paid and what they paid out to their workers. That margin is referred to be sweated from the employees due to them receiving minimal pay, working long excessive hours, and in unsafe, hazardous working conditions. Companies will find smaller, poorer countries that have little to no regulations as far as safety and pay go to establish these sweat shops in. They pay their employees as much in a month as what many of us would make in a day. They are also forced to work extensively long hours in conditions that are extremely hazardous to their health. There are a high number of easily preventable deaths every year due to these sweat shops not meeting safety and health regulations. The contractors and managers of these establishments are also notorious for  being highly abusive to their employees both mentally and physically. They would also target women and children for employment in sweat shops as they were manipulated much more easily than men. Also, they were much less likely to retaliate against the managers. Sweat shops often force people into working in these conditions. The people have no choice but to do so as they have families to take care of and without these sweat shops work would be placed elsewhere leaving them without any work at all. Many companies, especially in the clothing industry, are using these sweat shops to increase profits, lower cost to customer, and compete with other companies. Consumers still buy into the product regardless that it is made in such a dangerous environment where people lose their lives. There was an approximate total of 1,500 sweat shop garment worker deaths in 2012. However, companies are still using sweat shops because it does not affect the consumer’s choice to buy their product, their prices are decreased, and they are selling more product. Larger corporations and companies in other countries have paved the way for sweat shops. Other companies are beginning to play a hand in this as they are looking for ways to compete with the companies already doing so. Companies in other countries can easily influence other companies into placing sweat shops in their locations due to minimum safety and labor law requirements. Consumers should seriously consider researching the products you use and determining where they come from, how they were made, and what type of environment were they made in. Consumers should then stop purchasing items made from those companies using sweat shops to produce their product. Do you really think the shirt your wearing was worth 1,500 people dying in 2012? Laws should also be implemented that hold these companies responsible for these workers wages and working conditions. It is the contractor’s responsibility to do this so companies can easily hide behind these contractors. By enforcing these laws we would significantly reduce this problem. Companies still may chose to manufacture their product in another country but those workers would now be receiving adequate pay along with a  safe work environment without the long, extensive hours. In 1999, California passed Assembly Bill 633, which is a law that holds garment manufacturers and retailers responsible for employee wages and safety. I think it is understandable why companies chose to do this as they are trying to save money, however this can still be done without the use of sweat shops. Products can still be manufactured at a lower cost in other countries without forcing employees to work for inadequate pay and in unsafe conditions working long exhausting hours. Major retailers could really get the ball rolling for reducing the amount of sweat shops used. Smaller companies and the competition would no longer have to resort to sweat shops if they were able to compete with these major corporations that do use them. So, we should keep in mind next time we are clothes shopping at the mall. We should consider what products may have resulted in someone losing their life to manufacture. It’s true, sweat shops reduce costs. However, like I said at the beginning of this paper, it is a cost that cuts much deeper than anything that can be placed into monetary value. References:

Friday, September 13, 2019

Second Analytical Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Second Analytical Paper - Essay Example It was easier for Gilbert to use his power over African settlers because of the superiority he felt for them. With the use of colonialism, and with the proper methods that he introduced to the settlers, he was able to gain the confidence of the native Africans, consequently building for him a place in the social strata in Africa and establishing a position of power and superiority. Gilbert is from a more developed country thus is educated with more advanced farming methods. England is a developed country with all the advantages of the United Kingdom and all the influence over its neighboring countries. England also keeps the education being given in schools and universities at par with global standards that makes the graduates of the country viable for any premier company. England sees to it that it produces citizens who not only are able to provide for him but is also able to work from different settings. Citizens coming from England like Gilbert are trained under rigorous circumstances to be able to adapt to the situation they are put against so that they will not face any difficulties. The presence of high tech resources and internationally acclaimed gadgets for demonstration purposes as well as for real world problems make them highly knowledgeable in terms of the recent innovations in technology. This Gilbert used in his colonialism strategy in Africa. While he was an average individual in England, he was a highly skilled person in the eyes of Africans, thus making him a man more than he really as. Coming from a country of wealth and power makes controlling poor countries easier. Gilbert was a man who was accustomed to the vestiges of success and competition. England is a highly revered country that is able to use its available resources for the betterment of its colonies. England is also a country that claims to take initiative to take under its wings countries that need support in terms of technical

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Integrated Marketing Communications - Essay Example Nevertheless, the integration of communication tools helps overcome both challenges, as the mix helps create the brand awareness and enhance the brand recall as well as enhances the brand recall. Companies use different communication tools also known as the promotional mix such as: PR, sales promotions direct marketing and personal selling (Luxton & Mavondo, 2008). These communication tools differentiate among each other; however, the companies use them for the same reasons, such as to maintain the brand awareness, as well as to enhance the relationships with its stakeholders (Fill, 2009) The following report will evaluate the functions of the various marketing communication tools and compare the effectiveness of them. The report will also construct the marketing campaign for Cadbury corporation in order to deeply understand how those tools are used in practice. Advertising is one of the effective methods to promote the increase awareness of the brand in the mass media (Egan, 2007) (Table 2). The main advantage of the advertising is that the numerous channels are able to reach large audience, such as TV or print ads in magazines (Baines & Fill, 2011). Fill (2009) suggested that people who show a positive response to advertising are more likely to purchase a product than those whose attitude is neutral. Therefore, advertisers are particularly interested in creating an extraordinary with the â€Å"wow effect† message in their campaigns in order to make the customer’s experience memorable (Jo, 2004). Advertisers are able to use numerous features to enhance the appeal of the advertising, for example, some brands decide to use logical appeals that simply explain the â€Å"reason-why† its product outshines everything else in the market and attract the customer by functional reasoning (Miller, 2011). However, mass marketing is not useful for creating the long term relationships with the customer, as the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Market Entry Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market Entry Project - Research Paper Example Considering this strategy in mind Target has planned to expand in the market of their neighboring country Mexico. We choose to enter Mexico, with the idea to expand our business base obviously, to cater to their competitor Wal-Mart who is doing great business in Mexico by providing the experience of ‘Like shopping in the US’ (Luhnow, David), with similar purchasing trends observed in US, Low Land and Central Mexico it was easy to understand consumer’s psychology (Portilla, Fabiola de la), people in Pacific, North and Southeast tend to spend more (Portilla, Fabiola de la). If we look at the Nielsen’s survey results closes we’ll come across the fact that Big Supermarkets still capture a very small proportion of the retail universe in Mexico-Pacific, 26%, Valley of Mexico 30%, (Portilla, Fabiola de la), which is extremely low and reflects the fact that markets displays huge blue spaces for expansion by large retailers like Target. Consumers tend to visi t markets in weekdays in Pacific and on weekends, Sunday etc in Low Land, Central Region and Valley of Mexico (Portilla, Fabiola de la). Negligible tariffs on trade between US and Mexico is acting as a major incentive for businesses to expand across borders and become transnational in nature. Target also has the advantage of learning and getting insights from Wal-Mart’s experience (Luhnow, David) so far in the Mexican market. Hence all the factors mentioned above drove us to the conclusion of tapping into Mexican market as our host country. The environmental opportunities which the host country offers are as follows; Economic factors, the country’s economy is back on track with a GDP of 3.8% in 2011 (6 Reasons why US retailers should enter Mexico), and shows good signs of growth with huge margins of blue spaces left to be exploited by the retailers with retail sales of 5.4% by may 2011 (6 Reasons why US retailers should enter Mexico), this increased economic stability has also impacted the purchasing power of Mexicans resulting in growing confidence in retail; Legal factors, like there are very low trade tariffs in Mexico as compared to the US, the act named NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) made in 1994 and renewed in 2008 created the world’s largest free market with almost negligible trade tariffs between US, Mexico and Canada (6 Reasons why US retailers should enter Mexico), hence very low legal restrictions act as an opportunity; Social Factor of emerging middle class in Mexico (6 Reasons why US retailers should enter Mexico) has given foreign retailers a hope that more people now have the power to experience a purchase in huge retail stores and with the emerging and still weak middle class discount stores can actually help the people and strengthen their own presence in the market as well. Cultural factors changes and flexibilities (Hernandez, Mariana) also act as an opportunity an opening for foreign retailers to jump into the market, thought it took time but now Mexicans have accepted and encourage foreign brands specially those manufactured or originated from US because of their own growing aspirations. Upon further analysis I would not exactly put this as a threat but a disadvantage faced by the retailers in Mexico’s trade environment could be of the huge power distance (Hernandez, Mariana) amongst the people living in the same region, existing large amount of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Death penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Death penalty - Essay Example Even though I was too young to understand the meaning completely, the issue had a great impact on me. . After long term consideration I believe that the death penalty should be legal because it helps prevent violent crime and saves lives of innocent people. Different countries view the death penalty differently. Here what I would like to talk about is the death penalty in China, Japan and the U.S. These countries are the three largest economies in the world, and they are where I have grown up and live. . Japan and China are based on Eastern culture, and the U.S is based on Western Culture. They have similarities and differences; however, they all have the death penalty. In the U.S. there are two reasons why people support death penalty, and they are retribution and deterrence. The idea of retribution is that a murderer must sacrifice his life because he took someone’s life, and the basic idea is â€Å"an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.† The idea of deterrence i s that death penalty can prevent people from committing murder. Both Japan and China subscribe to these two reasons for the death penalty, but seem to be more supportive of the death penalty than people in the U.S. ... students were the lowest and Japanese students were in the middle (Shanhe et al.). I grew up in Japan and China, and this might contribute to the reason why I strongly agree with death penalty. The death penalty may be a factor in saving lives. People make their decisions based on their costs or benefits; therefore, a person may stop himself from killing someone if he knows he may be executed as a result (Muhlhausen). It is similar to not stealing because there will be a punishment. If the punishment is execution there will be less likelihood of stealing. The stricter the law, the less and less people commit a crime because everybody fears death, even animals. Most criminals would think twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Second, many studies have shown that executions can lead to a decrease in murder rates; and on the other hand that abolishing the death penalty increases the incidence of murder. Professor Shepherd analyzed data from 1977 to 1999 and found that the com bination of death row sentences and executions deterred many types of murders. She estimated that each death row sentence deters approximately 4.5 murders, and each execution approximately 3 murders. A second issue Shepherd examined was the impact of delaying the execution on deterrence. The numerous appeals and stays of execution that criminals request imply that they prefer lengthy death row waits. Shepherd therefore theorized that shortening the death row wait may increase the deterrence, and estimates that for every 2.75 year reduction in the death row wait for execution one extra murder could be deterred. It means that shorter term of waiting execution can save human’s life (Muhlhausen). According to the U.S. Murder Rate and Executions, the murder rate decreases when the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Samsung - Organization Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Samsung - Organization Behavior - Essay Example The three dimensions of management are summarized to be technical, conceptual and important for the managers to evolve meaningful solutions and techniques for resolution of complex management problems, by employing innovative technological solutions that provide answers to problems people and organizations are having. For achieving management success, it is important to understand the extent of involvement of human resources needed for the deployment of these resources. COMPANY AND HENRI PRINCIPLES Samsung International has applied the principles of Henri Fayol, the father of management. The Samsung International has split the workforce into certain segments and has achieved better production and quality work input. The practice of division of work has provided the employer with an opportunity of maximizing employee efforts. It is applicable to all work including research and technical applications. There are limitations to specialization which are determined has been determ ined by the application. The company has stressed the importance and role of the authority, and therefore the authority has the rights to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Samsung International has made a clear distinction between a manager's official authority deriving from office and personal authority created through individual personality, intelligence, and experience. The company has introduced certain rules and regulations to ensure that there exist obedience and respect between the firm and its employees.